Miami artist. Cartoonist at heart, painter by reputation. 
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I am honored that the organizors of Social Media Week Bogota have invited me to their beautiful city and country to let me share my take on being an artist in this social media age and how to self publish artworks online through platforms like Ownzee. Below is what i will be discussing and i will make sure to post pictures and commentary next week. Below is insight on what I will be discussing and more about the other great speakers. Thanks! 

Self Publishing in Arts: Kiki Valdes

Friday, September 23 at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá


Kiki Valdes is a contemporary artist and the founder of Ownzee, a digital magazine maker that allows artists, designers, photographers, or anyone to easily promote their work online. Kiki has found in the web the most valuable channel to showcase his work and do business. Kiki will be speaking about the importance of digital technologies and social media as an effective promotion tool.




For Social Media Week Bogotá, the Z-team has put together a really impressive line-up of speakers, both from within Colombia and international. We thought we’d take a moment to highlight some of the international speakers who will be traveling to Bogotá (most of them for the first time) to speak at Social Media Week.


Meg Dalton (@megdalts), of SeeClickFix, will participate on a panel entitled Urban Initiatives and Social Media. This panel will reflect upon how social networks have empowered the ordinary citizen. She will also lead a workshop, focused on See Click Fix and how the tool can be used.


Christian Ligorsky (@Kbzon) of Social Media Latam, will share The </R>evolution of Communications, which will show us how the rise of social network platforms have affected the way we communicate, and how the same networks can help companies have stronger relationships with their consumers.


Jonathan Richman (@jonmrich) will share Your Computer Is The Next Wonderdrug, originally presented at South by Southwest 2011, to critical acclaim.


Peter Shankman (@petershankman) will be presenting Monday’s keynote, Social Media Doesn’t Exist, explaining how social media must be integrated with traditional media to be truly successful.


Kiki Valdes (@KikiValdes) will present Self publishing in Art, showcasing how artists can use social networks as an effective tool for promotion.


Brian Wong (@brian_wong) of kiip will address the young entrepreneur in 8 Tips for the Young Entrepreneur, with a focus on what he himself learned as a young and successful entrepreneur in the social gaming space.

Some sponsors of Social Media Week:

More from KikiValdes